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Cabbage Plants

Q.Propagating Cabbage Cuttings?

Zone 33777 | jimsturtz added on November 4, 2021 | Answered

the article i read said to place the cabbage leaves in water for a length of time, keeping water freash. They will then regrow. The pic however shows the bottom stem white part with baby leaves growing from it. I am familiar with rooting other scraps from bokchoi to lettuce etc. They are require that bottom stem. Same for cabbage? or can u really grow from leaf only? Also if the bottom stem is necessary, giving 1-1 old vs new, or can you split the bottom section a grow 2 or more new plants. Thanks jim

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 4, 2021

This will be the bottom juncture, rather than a single leaf. It will be, exactly, the same as rooting Bok choy and lettuce!

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