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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Problems Growing Corn and Tomatoes

Anonymous added on September 5, 2011 | Answered

Last time I grew corn, it was five feet tall and suddenly the stalks tipped over and half the crop was ruined. This year I tried growing in a new area, fertilized with chicken house cleanings, and then grew peas. When they were mature, I planted the corn. Lovely tall stalks, but half grown they tilted and I ended up tying them to wires. Even so, the tops of the stalks are now bent over on most of them. This is white ‘Mexican’ corn. Also, there is no fruit on roma tomatoes. Is there a common nutrient missing?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 6, 2011

There is too much nitrogen in the soil and it is overpowering the phosphorus. This causes the plants to grow big and lush, but with stunted or no fruit. The chicken manure is the likely culprit. It is very high in nitrogen. Add some bone meal to the soil to provide phosphorus.

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Answered on September 6, 2011

after your corn has reached approx 5-6 inches do you add soil around the base? Corn must have a great deal of soil pulled around each stalk or it will fall over after attaining some height. You can't put too much soil around the stalks.
I plant my corn in furrows and as it grows I continue to add soil to it. I would estimate 6-7 inches above the roots. Hope this helps

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