Q.Problem with Ocotillo
I have had this Ocotillo for about five years and I paid to have it sent to Houston. I printed out directions on how to take care of it, but it has never gotten more than a few leaves, but I can see that it is still alive. I have a girlfriend who is bringing me an absolutely gorgeous one, but I’d like to see if anyone can figure out what is up with this one. I’m thinking to just move this one to a new place and plant the new one where this current one is. The place that she purchased the new ocotillo from said that don’t do anything but stick them in the ground and leave them alone.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Did it get plenty of sun and heat? They need irrigation till established then are drought tolerant. They lose leaves when drought stressed so maybe yours never quite got established. Try watering regularly and see if it doesn't leaf out.