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Azalea Plants

Q.problem with my azaleas dying

Zone 30189 | Lyra Veal added on March 29, 2017 | Answered

I have a gentle bank of azaleas in my backyard. Some have been there 18 years. While they continue to grow and flower each year, I have been losing a lot of branches from them in the last few years. They are not thick like they used to be. There is no sign of bugs or fungus. Is there something I can do to get them back to healthy looking plants? They look so spindly now.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 30, 2017

Just in case, check this article for signs of botryosphaeria disease:

Also, the borers described in the article and in the following article would be inside the branches, so the presence of insects wouldn't be obvious from the outside:

Another possibility is that the azaleas are unhappy in their current conditions- for example, perhaps the soil pH is too high or they are in excessive sun, especially if something in their surroundings has changed in the last few years.

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