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Container Gardening

Q.Problem With Container Plants

Anonymous added on May 9, 2024 | Answered

I live in Florida and I am new to gardening but I have started a garden of plants in containers on my patio and am having problems. Right now I have 4 tomato plants, 3 pepper plants, 1 string bean plant and some herbs. The herbs are the only ones doing well. With the tomato plants 1 has lots of tomatoes, but one had just one tomato (see picture) and the many other buds just dry up and fall off. Two other tomato plants are just having the buds fall off and no tomatoes. One very tall pepper plant had two real good peppers and now the buds are doing nothing. And the three small pepper plants I have are having buds but no peppers. They are getting about 3 hours of sunlight a day and 8 hours of grow lights.

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