I have a rock garden with candytuft and blue festuca. It gets sun from around noon til 6-ish.I’d like to fill it in with more color. Will primrose ‘take’ all that sun.? Thank You, Donna White.

Primrose. There are several plants with "primrose" in their name. Evening primrose has both annual and perennial varieties. Spring blooming Primula polyantha, a flower that goes dormant in summer is more widespead in gardens. Morning sun and moist soil are good for the latter primrose. But because it goes dormant, it doesn't help fill in your garden bed. Look into rock rose if the area is dry. It is an annual that often self sows. (https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/rockrose/how-to-grow-rockrose-shrubs.htm). Other ideas include asiatic lilies, Salvia, and coral bells; however I don't know your hardiness zone so research plants carefully. More ideas are here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/gardening-by-zone/zone-4/gardening-in-zone-4.htm