Q.Preventing new tree growth from roots
I have a nandina plant that is sprouting new nandinas all over my garden. I cut them but they just grow back. I heard of a product that you can apply to the cut that will prevent it from growing again. Unfortunately, I don’t know the name of the product and none of my local nurseries know either. Can you help me? The nandinas are coming up all over.
Thank you, Mariellen
One technic for killing invasive trees and vines is to paint herbicide to a freshly cut stump. Use a child's paintbrush or a foam paintbrush. The herbicide is pulled down to the roots. Some authorities recommend concentrated glyphosate (RoundUp) and some recommend a combination of glyphosate and triclopyr (Weed B Gon, Garlon). Ready-to-use herbicide is too dilute. Nandina is now considered invasive in Texas. You are seeing this in real time. https://dcmga.com/north-texas-gardening/shrubs/nandina/