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Q.Preventative antifungal

Zone 92115-3444 | kittym1528 added on June 24, 2019 | Answered

Please provide an example of a preventative antifungal spray for balcony potted plants. I have used Neem antifungal spray for problems in the past. White flies and other insects keep recurring. If I could use an effective preventative antifungal spray, it would be great!
Thank you for your help with the information! ?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 24, 2019

Bonide offers several antifungal treatments and will state on the label if preventative treatment. Sorry, don't recall what the names of these are but some are copper, others Sulphur. Read labels....neem oil is not very affective as I have learned myself. If you have a cooperative extension in your community/county they will provide lots of helpful info also.

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