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Dill Plants

Q.Preserving Dill?

Zone Marietta, Ohio | Kimi Jo added on November 3, 2021 | Answered

I am recovering from foot surgery and my dill had to fend for itself. It has grown lush and beautiful on its own, with no flowers. We had our first hard frost last night and I hobbled out before the sun hit it and harvested all of it. It’s better looking , with better smell in November than it had been all summer! Lol! My question is, instead of freezing it all, which I do, can I waterbath can it in brine with garlic for use during the year? It’s lovely with tomato, cucumber and onion with a bit of sunflower oil. But veg has been canned before surgery and store bought just isn’t as good at this time, or anytime, of year.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 4, 2021

You could brine it, but it is usually dried and stored like that. Glass is best.


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