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Q.preserving bulbs for winter

Zone Midland, TX | dgriffith8181@hotmail.com added on August 16, 2017 | Answered

I just ordered a bunch of gladiolas, freesia, blazing stars, bleeding hearts, Mr. Fokker, and Queen Fabiola. They are in some sort of plastic bags. I was planning on saving them until next spring, but I don’t know what I need to do to preserve them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 16, 2017

This website has a lot of information on bulb storage and how long bulbs can be stored. Bleeding hearts are not technically a bulb and they are hardy through zone 3. Soak the root pieces in warm water for a couple of hours and plant them near the surface. Make sure to prepare the bed well as these perennials are long-lived and they spread. Bleeding heart prefers morning sun only. It will not do well in full sun which your other bulbs require. Blazing star, Liatris, is hardy zones 3-9 and can be put out now. Here is the link to storing the others:
I would keep a close eye on them come next January/Feb. This is an odd time of year for a bulb to go into storage. In my experience, some break dormancy before planting time arrives. If you see signs of life, pot up those bulbs.

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