Q.POULTICES on burned trees
Not a question- but is additional info– we have diff types of burn in f.nth tropics. From cyclones, bark & trunks burn grey, brown or black caused by continuous strong winds 10 hrs or so from a cyclone. The color, severity of burn tells you how strong the wind was..Black is 200/300 KLM winds. Brown is less 300 KLM winds will completely strip all bark off. In fire burned trees– I’d tip 4 buckets of new healthy dirt/ soil around roots & water in for hours. This is like a poultice & vitamin tab to help new rejuvenation. It helps new bark, new leaves quicker.. Rejuvenate the soil on roots & water would be the 2 first best things to do.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Thank you for the information! I will forward it to editorial.