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Snake Plants

Q.Potting after rooting snake plant

Anonymous added on July 15, 2016 | Answered

I have used the water method to root cuttings from my snake plant. Now that they have roots, should I let the stalks dry out before I plant them in dirt, or pot them right away? I am worried about root rot. I have had the same snake plant for over 12 years and my son was “helping” me take care of it by watering it without my knowledge. I managed to save several stalks and root them in water. But know I don’t want to pot them wet and have the new roots rot.

Thank you for any advice.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2016

Go ahead and pot them up right away into a small starter pot, approx a 5" pot would be a good size with a drainage hole.
Use a good quality potting mix.
I have listed a link with proper growing information.

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