Q.Possible Peach Tree Disease
I am happy that after purchasing my peach tree over a year ago, I have fruit coming on for the first time! I live in coastal South Carolina. The fruits are about the size of a large cherry right now. However, I have noticed brown spots on SOME of the fruits. Some of the leaves were being eaten by an insect and had twinges of RED on the leaves. I spoke with a man at a nursery and I sprayed two weeks in a row with ‘Tiger’ spray for insects and disease. Should I continue to spray? Should I remove the fruits with brown spots? Should I continue the spraying to ‘cure’ the tree ?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would continue to spray every other week at least for a month or two.
The peaches with brown spots will be edible, but just not as pretty. Whether you leave them or not is up to you.