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Container Hydrangea Plants

Q.poorly Hydreangea

Anonymous added on June 8, 2017 | Answered

Please can you help! I have a very unwell Hydreangea, it lives in a pot and I transferred it to a bigger pot as it got root bound it was growing so well until I noticed it had become very water logged so I put some bigger holes in the bottom of the pot for the water to drain away. My problem is that now after it had dried out it has gone all limp and flopped. I have kept watering it again but it seems not to be doing anything other than looking very sorry for itself. Should I continue to water or leave it or should I cut it all down and hope it comes up again. It is such a shame as it was growing so perfectly well. Please can you help me!Kay

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 8, 2017

A common issue with Hibiscus, here is an article that addresses the most common reasons for yellowing leaves.


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