Q.Pony Tail Palm
Pony Tail Palm – Please help.
A little history, this Pony Tail is over 16 years old. In it first year my baby daughter and her puppy had a lovely day pulling all the leaves of and the dog then ate the top of the plant. Believing that the plant was dead I through it into the compost heap in discussed. 6 Months later while cleaning up the garden to move we noticed it had started to grow again and I popped it in the car to move with us to north Queensland. 14 years ago I planted it in the garden. It has been growing beautifully and happily flowering early each year for the last 5 years.
Now I need help…. About 12 months ago I noticed a small crack in the front of the plant and didn’t worry to much as there was a couple of shoots growing out of it. Today while pruning the rest of the garden I notice the back of the plant has completely split into three sections. And water is pooling in the gap.
I think my options are
1. Leave it alone
2. Fill the gap in with soil to allow the plants to naturally brake into three
3. Put a strap around the base to try and pull it back together.
My husband is worried about the pooling water causing rot, and wants to fill it with expandable foam. (I’m not a fan of this plan)
Can anyone please Please please offer some guidance, as I would be very upset to lose my Pony Tail and all the history that goes with it.
Thank you
Minor cracks can often heal on there own, but in this case I'm afraid it may not heal.
Uneven watering is likely the cause and it is easy for open wounds like this to invite pests and disease.
You can try keeping the wound free of these issues with some preventative spraying of Neem Oil.
You will just need to see how the plant does.
I would not however suggest filling with soil or strapping the bulb together.