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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Pomegranate bush/ tree

Zone 95954 | vcaulkins added on May 13, 2017 | Answered

Hi! I have a pomegranate bush that has grown to a tree that I bought 4 years ago. At the time of purchase it had one bud one flower on it but it didn’t turn into a pomegranate. I specifically bought it because it said it would produce fruit and could be kept small like a bush but then my husband and I decided to plant it outside. It has never produced fruit and I can’t figure out why. I read 2 articles on this site written by the same person on the same day. One says that they are self-pollinating and the other says that they require a 2nd plant. I don;t understand the contradiction. Can anyone please help? Thank you! 🙂

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Answered on May 15, 2017
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