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Passion Flower Vine

Q.Pollination Question

Zone 95066 | Anonymous added on May 24, 2022 | Answered

Hello! I’m super new to gardening so this will probably be a basic question. I’m growing yellow passion fruit, and from what I’ve read it sounds like it’ll need a second genetically compatible vine to pollinate it. What would you recommend? Does this mean it just needs another yellow passion fruit vine, or should it be purple? Another plant entirely? I’ve been trying to find out online but I’m not fully understanding. Thanks for your help! Matt

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 1, 2022

Generally, when a pollinator plant is needed, it should be a different variety in the same species. It must bloom at the same time, as well. So you would need a different variety of passion fruit. But only if the yellow variety you have is not self pollinating. You also can pollinate plants yourself.
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