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Plum Trees

Q.Pollination Plum Tree

Zone Watertown, SD 57201 | Larsong added on June 28, 2024 | Answered

I have two health plum trees bought from a reputable online dealer, planted 10 years ago, , 15 feet apart, with loads of blossoms, never produce any plums. Tried using blossoms from a good producing tree on blossom on my trees, nothing again. Any hints to help get plums. We have plenty of flying insects for pollination. We have apple tees, Elderberry, grapes, etc… all produce loads of fruit. All within 20 feet of the plum.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 28, 2024

It sounds like you were sold and ornamental fruitless tree. These are popular in some of the purple leaf cultivars. If you know what cultivar that you purchased you could check to see if it is a fruitless variety or not.

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