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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Plum tree

Zone Grandview Tx. 76050 | jfc.1104r@yahoo.com added on September 3, 2017 | Answered

Can a plum tree be started from the seed of a supermarket plumb seed, if so can you tell me how ? .

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 4, 2017

You can... Be very careful though. Wear gloves, as the inside of the pit in most stonefruit contain a natural form of cyanide in the form of prussic acid. PLEASE WEAR GLOVES. Now, this seed may or may not grow to the same seed you bought from the store. Still, most of the time it is still edible. The best way to crack these open is with pliers and a hammer. Grab the seed so that one of the spine sides is facing up above the pliers on its side. smack it with the hammer until it cracks. very carefully pull the seed (which resembles an almond, because they are related) **VERY TOXIC** out and put it in a pot with moist soil. Now stick this in the fridge for 4-6 weeks. After the stratification (chilling) period pull it out and put it in the sunshine, making sure to keep it watered. Moist not wet. In 3 to 6 years, you will have a fruiting tree! Enjoy!

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