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Cabbage Plants

Q.Please help identify this plant

Zone North Granby, Ct | Anonymous added on June 25, 2020 | Answered

I bought seeds for the annual vinca, the new blackberry/jams color. I followed directions carefully since I was excited to grow this plant that nurseries aren’t stocking…at least for now. I saw it originally at Elizabeth Park in W Htfd, Ct. I now have 30 large seedling but they are NOT vinca. They look like broccoli but don’t smell at all like anything and have blossoms of small white flowers in clusters. The flowers do not have a scent. I have asked several plant people but they did not know what name of this plant. I’ve uploaded 3 pictures for you. One when they were seedling. I’ve fertilized it a bit to get it off to a strong start so they gotten big, about 14” tall. The stems are thick and the leaves are huge and smooth. The seeds did not come in a typical seed packet but rather a smaller foil packet.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 26, 2019

You are on the right track... That is, certainly, a brassica. Probably cabbage that is bolting, or possibly a form of kale.

This article will give you information on all of the Crusciferous vegetables so that you may compare from one species to the other: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/cruciferous-vegetables.htm

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