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Q.plants for southern aspect

Zone Berrigan 2712 southern NSW | v.p.casey added on August 2, 2017 | Answered

We have a new house, south facing. We just put in a cement garden bed across the front of the house. It needs plants…easy care, low so as not to interfere with the view up to 60cm would be ok, I think. There are natives in our other plantings. The bed is 60 cm deep 110 wide, runs across the entire front broken with steps to the door. 5 metres + 7 metres at the end of the 7 metres it drops back to a deeper corner with eastern aspect. We have had a lot of frosts. Can you recommend a planting for this area, please?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 12, 2017

Knowing your growing zone is vital to making plant selections.

Decide if you want shrubs, perennials, conifers or a variety of plants.

Are you looking for color or more of a green and subtle look?

Visit local garden centers and make note of plants and shrubs that you like.

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