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Snake Plants

Q.Plants Built for Abuse

Anonymous added on April 13, 2011 | Answered

I am looking for some recommendations on plants to buy for my new house. The only problem is that my job has me on the road for 6 to 20 days at a time and it would be difficult to get someone to come in to look after them. I was thinking along the lines of cacti and snake plant and using some sort of wicking system to water with. Are there any permanent ‘self watering’ methods that work? The general consensus seems to not have much faith in the water globe type system, and I worry of over watering with drip systems.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 14, 2011

Are you looking for houseplants or landscaping plants?

It sounds like you are looking for houseplants, as you mentioned the water globes. I would recommend the zz plant, snake plant and Christmas cactus. All 3 of these plants look nice but can go weeks without water.

For landscaping plants, I would recommend a type of gardening called xeriscaping. This section has several articles on the subject:

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