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Ornamental Grasses

Q.planting tall wild grass native to michigan

Zone 49345 | Anonymous added on January 17, 2019 | Answered

A well intentioned woman stopped by our house today and informed us that the patch of phragmities growing in the consistantly wet spot of our back yard is a non-native plant with many negative and few positive attributes. It is a beautiful natural barrier to road traffic. Question: Is it an ecological threat? Question: Is there a native species that looks as good and grows as tall?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 18, 2019

This will not be a concern as long as the grass does not have a tendency to spread. If this is the case, then it may not be an ecologically sound grass. This website will help you with the native grasses of your area: http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10370_12146_12209---,00.html

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