Q.Planting roses from my mothers funeral
How do i plant roses that are singles from a funeral
First, I'm sorry for your loss. Do you have a rose bush or single stem roses? I'll assume the latter. It is very hard to get a satisfactory rose from cuttings unless the rose has its own rootstock. Single stem roses are often hybrid tea roses. These do not grow on their own roots but are grafted onto another rose with more vigorous roots. On its own roots your rose may not be winter hardy. That said, it is worth a try. Remove any blooms and leave only 2-3 sets of leaves. Cut the stem at the bottom looking for a thin green ring just under the "skin". This is the part of the plant that sends water up to leaves and photosynthesized food down to roots. Buy rooting hormone and follow the instructions here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/roses-from-cuttings.htm. Here is a link with pictures: https://www.wikihow.com/Propagate-Roses. Good luck.