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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Planting Roses

Anonymous added on April 2, 2014 | Answered

I bought a Sterling Silver bush (tea rose) and a Gold Cup bush (floribunda). Can I plant them indoors and move them to my flower bed outside after the last frost to avoid damage, or should I just wait until after the last frost and plant them directly outside?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 3, 2014

If the rosebushes are bare root, you certainly could give them a head start planting them in containers. Then plant them outside once the weather gets settled out and old Jack Frost is out of the picture. If you bought the roses already potted and growing, I would not recommend transplanting them into other containers only to have to transplant them again. That would be kind of a double shock to the bushes that could stunt their growth for the season. Once planted outside, I do recommend watering them with some water that has both root stimulator and a product called super thrive in it. Add both ingredients to the water as though they were the only additive in the water. They work together very well. This will help with transplant shock and get the bushes growing nicely.

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