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Potato Plants

Q.Planting Potato Hills

lanerdo added on January 2, 2011 | Answered

What is the best depth for planting potato’s. Do they need to be “hilled” or is that just a myth. If they need to be planted in hills, what would the planting depth be and how high should the hill be?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 2, 2011

Hilling is normally done as the potato plants grow. You will plant the seed potatoes about 3 times deeper in the ground than the size of the seed potato. As the potato plant grows, mound up the soil around the plant, leaving about 6 inches above the soil. This encourages the plant to produce potatoes all the way up the stem.

You can start with a hill too, which is helpful to keep the seed potatoes out of water logged soil, if that is a problem where you grow, as well as providing a little more warmth earlier in the season.

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