Q.planting foundation shrubs
I dug up old diseased shrubs in front of our ranch style house. The area is always moist and does not get direct sun. It is shaded by the house, which faces north.
What kind of new shrubs should I plant? I looked at Japanese yew, but I read that the plants and berries are toxic to animals and children.
Will a camellia take the moisture and shade?
what about ground cover? We have some mulch from the landfill that is ground up trees and limbs= I don’t know if that is retaining the moisture too mych.
Help, please
As a homeowner, I'm always concerned when someone posts that the soil next to the house is wet. If you don't have gutters or your downspouts don't carry water a sufficient distance from the house, that would explain the wetness. The other factor is whether the grade runs downward toward your house instead of away. Since I don't know where you live, I can't make specific plant recommendations. I suggest you look online at your state's "extension service". You will find suggestions for plants that do well in your area. Here is an article discussing wet shade. http://www.finegardening.com/solutions-wet-shady-sites