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Q.Planting flowers in a flower pot

Zone 60617 | Jonessherita04@gmail.com added on March 30, 2018 | Answered

Hi yes I am a 1st time gardener I went to the store to buy flowers in a box to plant. For instance I’m planting gladiolus mixture in a flower pot. It has 8 large bulbs in one box do I put everything that is in the box into one flower pot at a time. I have more flower bulbs for different pots. I just want to make sure I’m. Doing this right thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Berry Farmer
Answered on March 30, 2018

Gladiolus grow rather tall and can fall over (in my experience) For a more dramatic look, I would plant one in the center of each pot and plant supporting flowers around it. If you choose to plant them all in one pot, you may consider putting a support stick in the center to wrap a tie around to help keep them upright.

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