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Flower Gardening

Q.planting flowers

Zone 17078 | ashhbeckk added on April 8, 2016 | Answered

I just got a bearded dragon and they are allowed to eat a large variety of flowers and plants. I am planning on starting a garden to grow some to feed him. I have never gardened before and honestly know nothing about gardening. I live in central, PA. I was wondering if you could tell me on the list which would be easiest for me to grow as a beginner. I am looking to grow as many as I can. I want to create a garden.

Here is the list of my options:

Astible Johnny-Jump-Up Viola (flowers)
Baby’s Tears
Hibiscus, Tropical (flowers, leaves)
Rose (petals)
Basil (leaves and flowers)
Hibiscus Grandiflora (petals)
Rose-of-Sharon (petals)
Chinese Lantern (flowers)
Hollyhock (leaves, flowers)
Rosemary (leaves, flowers)
Carnations (petals)
Hens and Chicks Sage (leaves, flowers)
Chamomile (English)
Maple (leaves)
Spider Plant (leaves)
Mesquite (leaves)
Split-Leaf Philodendron (leaves)
Dahlia (flowerhead)
Mint/Peppermint Squash / Zucchini (flowers)
Daylilies (flowers)
Mulberry leaves
Thyme (leaves, flowers)
Draceania (cornplant)
Nasturtium (flowers, leaves)
Violets [not African] flowers, leaves
Fennel Oregano Wandering Jew (leaves)
Ficus (leaves)
Pansies (flowers)
Yucca (flowers)
Grape (leaves, fruit) not ornamental
Pea, Green Bean (leaves, pods)

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Answered on April 9, 2016

Good luck with your new garden project.
Here is a link that will help you get started.


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