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Asparagus Plants

Q.planting asparagus plants

Anonymous added on August 15, 2015 | Answered

I bought 2 pots of asparagus plants from a community college nursery. They are in 6 inch pots and I was told there are 3 plants per pot. They have plants about 2-3 feet high. Now all I see is how to plant crowns and seeds. What do I do with these? The weather here is expected to be in the 90’s tomorrow and today is the day I would like to get them in the ground. Thanks for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 17, 2015

Plant them as you would any plant into the garden. Do not try to separate the plants as this can lead to more stress in planting.
If you need to plant on a hot day, try to do so in the morning.
Water daily to help the plants become established.



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