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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Planting a bottom-grafted Weeping Cherry

Zone zone 4b-5a | la_raspberry added on April 22, 2015 | Answered

We just received a bare-root Higan weeping cherry ‘Pendula Plena Rosea’ from Nature Hills Nursery that was bottom-grafted. I am not sure how far above the soil line the graft should be (graft is about 4-5″ from the base) when planted. Also, there are many swollen buds from the point of the graft up; I assume as these grow they should be removed?

Thanks Vera

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2015

Yes, but if I want my Weeping Cherry to have a trunk and an umbrella-like canopy, wouldn't I need to remove anything growing below that to avoid a shrub-like appearance??

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Answered on April 22, 2015

The graft union, when planted, should be at least 2-4 inches above the soil line. You will want to keep the buds on the tree. The removal of buds is typically done during the grafting process when buds are removed from the rootstock (which is below the graft) so they do not overtake the tree.

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