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Skeleton Flowers

Q.Plant Skelton Flower Seeds Zone

Zone astoria ore gradening zone 8 | Anonymous added on June 27, 2022 | Answered

in my zone is it best to plant seeds in zone 8 indoors to start growing? where is the best place with success to order the seeds. If I grow the seeds outdoors when do i plant them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 6, 2022

I recommend not ordering seed. Skeleton flowers grow from rhizomes and propagation is best done by dividing the rhizomes. If you did get seeds, getting them to germinate will be tricky and take a long time. There are lots of people who sell bogus seeds online so you must be careful to use a reputable online nursery for seeds and not individuals touting "rare seeds" for sale.


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