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Flower Gardening

Q.Plant Pores

Anonymous added on June 3, 2011 | Answered

As I was planting flowers (annuals and perennials) in the garden this weekend, my husband was sprinkling peat moss in the flower beds with a shovel. Very often the peat moss would land directly on top of the new plantings. I asked him to avoid getting the dirt on top of the flowers, not only because it didn’t look good but may also inhibit their growth (like clogging pores). He laughed at me and said the wind will blow the dirt away and the plants don’t have pores.

Could you let me know if there is any truth to what I may have been thinking, or are you laughing at me too?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 3, 2011

Plants do have "pores" called stomatas. Peat moss is unlikely to clog them though. But it is not a good idea to cover the leaves of a plant as it can keep sunlight from reaching the plants leaves, which is how the plant creates energy to grow and flower. With indoor plants, dust often can keep a plant from performing at peak, and this would be similar. Fortunately, a quick wash down with water will wash the peat moss off.

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