Q.plant name
hello,name of plant & why are the leaves turning brown,many thanks
It appears you have Dracaena marginata or another variety of Dracaena. It looked like one of the leaves has a pinkness to the margin of the leaf so I was thinking marginata. Generally this is an easy going plant. It is not uncommon for the tips to brown on this plant. If the house air is dry this may be a variable causing the brown tips. The tips are also susceptible to mechanical damage from being brushed up against so this might also be a factor as the tips are not as sturdy and the rest of the leaf. It is fine to use sharp scissors to cut of the damage. The plant should be able to heal the cut edge. These plants are known for getting tall and lanky. Providing bright diffused light should reduce the lankiness. Be careful not to over water allowing the plant to dry lightly between waterings. Enjoy.