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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Plant identification and information

Zone 46201 | grturner1978 added on April 24, 2016 | Answered

My grandfather, at some point in the 1970’s, acquired evergreen shrubs in the Indianapolis area, which were shaped like a human hand. Two were installed at his home, and two at our home. They were quite large and required the support of windowless exterior walls. I was told these were quite rare, as the horticulturalist responsible for this creation somehow manipulated the seeds.

After my grandfather died, and as grandma became less able to tend to the pruning, the shrubs fell into disrepair and were ultimately removed. My parent’s home has since been sold and the shrubs have been removed. As luck would have it, I am unable to locate any photographs of the shrubs when in full splendor.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
melvin kozak
Answered on April 25, 2016

Send a picture of it to the agriculture department of the university they should be able to help.

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