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Thyme Plants

Q.Planning To Plant Annie Hall Thyme As A Groundcover. To Level The Area, I’m Ordering 2″ Of Screened Top Soil And 1″ Of Sand.

Anthony T. Units added on July 17, 2021 | Answered

My question: how deep should till the soil to acommadate the additional soil and sand. Your suggestion on type(s) of sand. Thank you, At U. In region 6 Pittsburgh, Pa.w/full sun.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 19, 2021

It really depends on your topsoil. If there is much clay in there, then I would not use any sand, as it will turn to concrete after the first few rains. If this topsoil is rich, and amended with compost, then I wouldn't use more than 5 to 10 percent.

It is worth noting that thyme will do well in, particularly, poor soil, so amending it heavily isn't necessary.

I would mix topsoil, roughly 20 percent. Sand, 5 percent. Compost, 25 percent. The rest of the 50 percent would be good to be coco coir. Though it is not nutrient rich, it is very good at regulating moisture. This is going to be something you will want while the thyme is young, since they will be sensitive to rot from wet soils. That soil combination should provide the perfect conditions for thyme to take hold.

I would dig between 6 inches and a 12 inches. It doesn't need much root space, but if you can provide more depth you will be rewarded with more lush plant growth.

Please make sure that there is nothing in the area before you dig. I can't stress this enough. Hitting lines like gas, water, or electric has some serious consequences.

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