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Pindo Palm Trees


Zone Mandeville, La. 70471 | tom@gormanconstructionllc.com added on September 8, 2021 | Answered

Hurricane IDA was nice enough to plant a very large pine tree on top of half of my mature Pindo palm heart. About 25% of the heart is crushed and the flesh is visible. What can I do to bring this tree back to health? Thank you!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 8, 2021

That damage is severe. Likely, what will happen is, new pups will grow from the base to take over the original palm. This is typical with severe damage. Should this not happen within a season, you may look to replacing it. Either way, the larger trunk must be cut back, fully. Just wait to do so after you see new growth, or full death.


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Answered on September 8, 2021

Just to make sure I understand: You are saying there is no hope for this Pindo, ie.. it is going to die? Correct? Pups will not make a specimen tree that this tree was. Won't they grow up angled from the trunk, etc? And take for ever?
Should I remove the remaining frowns? Or does it matter? How long will it take to decline?
Thank you.

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