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Sugar Apple Trees

Q.Photo Shown In Amy Grant Article Is C. Squamosa And Not C. Cherimola, Correct?

Zone 93101 | MiTmite9 added on November 26, 2021 | Answered

I’m fairly certain that your onsite article by Amy Grant “What is a Cherimoya?” Is showing a photo of an Annona squamosa. Cherimoya = Annona cherimola. So far as I can discern, Cherimoya and Custard apple are two different fruits, same genus but different species. Correct?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 26, 2021

I asked this question and put C. cherimola and C. squamosa in my "details." My error: It is Annona cherimoya and A. squamosa.

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