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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Bloemfontein South Africa | Antoinette added on February 3, 2018 | Answered

I bought my petunias on Thursday morning. Friday morning the start dying. Please help.Thanks Antoinette

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Answered on February 3, 2018

They were inside my house Thursday,but Friday morning i took them out.Since yesterday after noon i could see the new ones that opened the morning looks very bad

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Answered on February 3, 2018

It looks like they need to be planted or put in larger containers that will hold more water. Small containers holding decent sized plants may need water daily or every other day depending on how dry it is in the house. Are you in the process of hardening them off? If they went through a sudden change, like full sun for a day or a very cold car ride home, they may be showing the effects and should recover with proper coddling. If any of the droopy leaves turns yellow, snip it off so it doesn't block sunlight. I think they'll be fine but do inspect them carefully for tiny insects who sometimes infest greenhouses.

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