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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Pest or Disease?

Zone 19713 | Jilly Bean added on July 20, 2012 | Answered

Recently I noticed that my summer squash and bell pepper plants, along with a few tomatoes, have either been attacked by a pest or a disease. I am unsure of which, and I am unaware of the best way to prevent any additonal fruit from dying/decaying.

The peppers look as though they had a bite taken out of them, then they started to rot. Or it can look as though it just rotted/has become moldy. Some fruit will fall off of the plant where others remain attached.

The summer squash has no holes, only looks as though it has a disease, or became moldy. We have noticed the plant stems are hollow.

The kicker is that I have seen no bugs on either plant. Only a few bunnies have entered the garden – who have eaten all of my romaine plants. 🙁

I am in need of guidance on identifying what is going on in my garden as well as how to prevent any further damage and loss. Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 28, 2012

On the peppers, that is damage caused by slugs. They only come out at night, so you would not see them. This article will help:

The stems on squash are naturally hollow, so that is not a problem. What it sounds like you have on those is powdery mildew. This article will help:

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