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Coreopsis Plants

Q.Perennials start in spring

Zone Medina, OH 44256 (6a) | Anonymous added on April 27, 2018 | Answered

In September last year we planted several perennials in a new bed – coreopsis (Li’l Bang Daybreak) and ice plants (Fire Spinner). We live in Medina, Oh – marked for zone 6a. Both plants do not yet show any sign of growth (4/27/17) and I’m wondering if we’ve lost them or can I expect them to yet shoot up. Thanks foryour help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 28, 2018

Coreposis and Fire Spinner ice plant are both winter-hardy in your zone, so the cold alone wouldn't have killed them, but there could be another problem with the site. Ice plants prefer dry sites, since they are succulents. An overly wet or shady spot, or especially a wet winter, could kill them. Here is more about ice plant care:

Full sun and well-drained soil are also best for coreopsis, but it is a more durable plant, so it may still show up later in spring.

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