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Q.perennials shooting up early due to unusually warm weather, then damaged by extremely cold temperatures

Zone Ocean Pines, MD 21811 | Anonymous added on March 24, 2018 | Answered

My daylilies started shooting up way too early due to unusually warm weather (late Feb & early March) I live in Ocean Pines MD 21811. The were up about 6″ & then we temperature dropped to 30 degrees for days in a row. Green leaves are damaged. Should I trim them back to ground or just let them be to recover on their own?

Hydrangeas suffered same weather conditions. Branches started budding . When cold weather came back, buds top of branches dead buds, buds on branches lower to ground are still green. Trim off top branches w/ dead buds?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 24, 2018

Welcome to gardening where erratic spring weather is becoming the norm. What a challenge! Let your plants recover on their own. If the tips turn brown, you can trim them off at some point. If blossom buds had opened, expect reduced bloom in spring-flowering shrubs and trees. Leaf buds will be replaced by new buds. Delay fertilizing and pulling off winter mulch until your frost-free date even though you see spring growth.

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