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Q.Perennial Planting in Rock (Slate)

Anonymous added on April 9, 2014 | Answered

I have a rock bed in front of my home containing medium/large red stones (slate) bordered by large cobblestones. I have two dwarf Alberta spruce trees I planted late last season in this rock bed. There is a small area between the shrubs that looks bare and I was thinking of planting perennial flowers/ornamental shrubs or such. What types of plants should/could I plant in that area now, that would make its way through the heavy rocks (or maybe just a flowering perennial shrub that sits above the ground) that will last many years through all seasons? The area gets strong sun and it gets quite hot during the summer months, so the flowers would need to withstand high heat and direct sun and look good for the full growing season. In the spring, I would expect them to bloom perfectly once again. Any suggestions?

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