I purchased 6 bare root peony plants. I planted each one in a separate big pot today after soaking the roots 30 minutes in the water. I cover the eyes 2 inches with soil. My question is:
1- what shall I do every day for them (only watering them) and what I should expect next month>? How do I know that they are growing well?
2- I read about peony tricks in zone 9 by covering the soil with ice cubes (once a week) to trick them that the winter has come. If this trick is helpful, when I should do it? Which month? And how long?
3- when shall I fertilize the soil?
Growing Peony in warm climates such as your zone 9 can be a difficult task.
There are some varieties that have shown some success and they are in the Tree Peony types. Planting in ground would be best advised for these cultivators.
The ice cube tip, though interesting, will not trick a Peony into thinking it's in a colder zone.
Here are some links with more information.