I have a 1 year old peony that has never wilted before but will now suddenly droop in the afternoon (it perks back up in the evening and morning). I water it once in a while but I wouldn’t say often. It did not do this last year. It has always been in full sun. It also does not have any black spots or brown stems or any sign of a fungal disease that I can tell. What could the problem be?
Water peonies in spring as new growth emerges if there is no natural rainfall for two or more weeks. Irrigate lightly twice a week, providing enough to moisten the top 4 to 6 inches of soil but not enough to result in standing water.
Mulch the plant with a 2 inch layer of bark or similar mulch to help with moisture retention, but keep the mulch away from the base of the Peony.
Continue to water even after the flowers have faded to ensure plant remains healthy for next years flowers.