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Pear Trees

Q.Pear Tree Was Cut Down But Roots Still In Ground. Branches Are Sprouting From The Ground.

Zone Montreal, Canada | luciataddeo added on August 16, 2021 | Answered

We’d keep one to regrow a tree. How do we know which one to keep? Do we just cut down all the others? I imagine they will keep re-growing. Do we just keep cutting them down?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 17, 2021

If this was a grafted pear, then whatever comes back will not resemble the previous tree's fruit in any way. Usually, they are grafted to an inedible root stock. Whatever comes back may be inedible.

However, if you know for certain that this was a seed grown tree on its own rootstock, then you can choose a single leader (The straightest, strongest, and most vigorous) to take over. Just cut the rest away and keep them cut until they stop forming.





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