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Hyacinth Plant

Q.pear tree stopped bearing fruit

Zone Philadelphia, PA 19136 | Anonymous added on August 15, 2018 | Answered

Our pear tree has been bearing fruit for over 40 years. this year, no fruit so far. Why did this just happen? Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 16, 2018

Without photos and more information about growing conditions and management, we can only guess with general assumptions.
A 40 year old pear tree will sometimes start to decline, depending on the stage of maturity, site conditions, soil and water management. A tree this age normally has developed size, a root system, foliar and woody mass that requires a great amount of water an nutrients. If irrigation and fertilization is inadequate, or if there are other plantings competing for water and nutrients, the tree will not be supported for essential uptake and metabolic processes.
Another factor is often wood decay and/or root rot. Wounds open the tissues to fungal infections resulting in wood decay and impairment of uptake. If the tree is in or near a lawn or other plantings that get frequent water, the over watering will create conditions for root or root crown decay, which of course impairs function and uptake of water and nutrients. Poor pruning can contribute to sunburn or physiological stress.

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