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Peach Trees

Q.Peach Trees

reesesee added on October 28, 2012 | Answered

When I bought the peach tree, it bloomed with peaches the size of grapefruits. Now the peaches are very small and I don’t get a lot of them. What happened?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 6, 2012

Well, this can happen for several reasons...

My first question is are you thinning your fruit? Thinning allows the tree to focus more energy on fewer fruit, which means you get less but better quality fruit. This article will explain more about thinning:

Second, is your tree getting enough chill hours? Without enough chill hours, you will have buttoning issues, which could result in smaller fruit. Here is information on chill hours:

Other than that, making sure that your tree has the nutrients and water it needs while it is in fruit will help make sure the fruit are as healthy as possible. Increase water when you see the immature fruit start to form and make sure to fertilize regularly.

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