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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Peach Tree

Anonymous added on March 1, 2014 | Answered

Four years ago, I planted a Peach tree. It has gotten so big, produced beautiful pink blooms, but no fruit. It is supposed to be a fruit bearing Peach tree. Yesterday, I did some research and discovered I was supposed to prune the tree. Oh my gosh, this tree is approximately 30 feet tall! Did I mess up by never pruning it? Can it still be pruned, or will I kill it by cutting 70% of it off? Would I prune it in the fall? Oh my goodness, I would hate to lose it. It is so beautiful when it blooms!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 1, 2014

Not too sure if you want to go at this on your own with the tree being so large (may want to consult with an arborist). However, the best time to prune is in late winter so that you can cut away wood injured by low temperatures. You should also cut back the tall-growing limbs and 1/3 of all new growth. Cut out all dead, broken, diseased branches. Remove old wood as well as crossing or rubbing branches. Aim for a funnel-like shape with fruiting branches about 1 foot apart over the top of the tree.

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