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Paw Paw Trees

Q.Paw Paw Propagation Question

Zone 21132 | Anonymous added on July 13, 2021 | Answered

Hi, I have a pawpaw sucker that I have har in a glass of water since memorial day. Friend gave it to me…about 18″ tall, when got it all leaves were shrivled but trunk still green so I figured I’d give it a shot. A little while ago this sucker popped out underwater and has grown to the surface and is on second set of leaflets. A second shoot is now also about to surface and follow suite. Problem is there are no visible roots yet and not sure if they are growing in the parent trunk or what, but nothing is visible. Question how and when can I put it in soil? I know they are hard to propagate so I don’t want to kill it and it’s happy in the glass on the window sill for now. Thanks, Todd

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